About Me

Who Am I?

I’ve been heavily involved in embedded security for many years, having started the ChipWhisperer project, which is supported by my startup (NewAE Technology Inc.). I was previously an assistant professor at Dalhousie University, which means I also completed a PhD on the topic of embedded security. I’ve spoke extensively at conferences on this topic, so you may have seen me around somewhere. I’ve also written a book, the Hardware Hacking Handbook.

Previously I was fairly active in some of the open-source AVR toolchain development, which is what powers the Arduino platform. This ultimately led to working as a consultant with Atmel for several years.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I’ve previously worked around the world for a variety of companies performing such diverse tasks as software programming, PCB design, prototype construction, installing devices on helicopters, RF layout, FPGA design, and a few others.

Social Media



My primarily email is coflynn -AT- newae -DOT- com


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