Tag: fpga
Experimenting with Metastability and Multiple Clocks on FPGAs
NOTE: This article appeared in Issue 293 of Circuit Cellar, back in December 2014. I’ve posted it here for your reading pleasure as well. References to previous articles are for Circuit Cellar Issues, as this was originally written for the print publication. This version differs slightly from the print version – this is my own…
Side-Channel Power Analysis of AES Core in Project Vault
What is Project Vault You can read a quick overview on various news sites, but basically project vault gives you a cryptographic module that you have complete control over. This means *you* decide to trust the module – even to the point of being able to access to implementation details of the crypto cores. Basically…
Split Ground Plane: Example of failing high-speed signals
I’ve got a SASEBO-W board, which has a FPGA & a FT2232H for high-speed USB comms. I was seeing errors on the high-speed USB device, and couldn’t figure out why: Power Split The SASEBO-W is a multi-purpose board including a Xilinx LX150 Spartan 6 FPGA and a FTDI FT2232H USB interface. One use of the…
Design a FIR Filter in an FPGA in 30 mins using High Level Synthesis
I’ve been working with Xilinx’s new High Level Synthesis tools built into Vivado. I’m slowly working on posting some more complete tutorials. In the mean-time here is a simple tutorial about making a Finite Impulse Response Filter on a real ADC/DAC board .
Avnet Spartan-6 LX9 Board: Or How ChipScope is your Saviour
I was recently working on a project which needed more gates than I had in my trusty current FPGA Board (Spartan3-200 on DLP-FPGA-HS). I quickly found the Avnet Spartan 6 LX9 board (AES-S6MB-LX9-G), which I could buy for $90 and have here in a few days. It also comes with a license for SDK for…