Tag: programming
Driver Signing Notes
I recently wanted to sign some drivers to avoid requiring users of my ChipWhisperer device to do the usual bypass-signature deal. The end result is a sweet sweet screen like this when install the drivers: If you are in this situation, I wanted to add some of my own notes into the mix. David Grayson…
QTabWidget in PySide Automatically Resize
When using PySide, a QTabWidget is handy. But the size of the QTabWidget is dictated by the largest item, even if it’s not visible. Let’s assume self.tw is our tab widget. Then add this function: from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import * class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def curTabChange(self, index): for i in range(self.tw.count()): if i ==…
Getting started with GIT Revision Control
Revision Control is the most critical part of any project involving files. Otherwise you end up with tons of directories, and naming schemes like “report_final2_june.docx” along with 20 other copies. This is best described in this 20-min clip. Sorry it’s a little long, but there is a fair amount to cover: You can download the…