Embedded Security


How secure are embedded systems? Answering this question has resulted in me returning to school for my PhD, so it’s a long-winded answer! Briefly though through a series of very well-known (i.e. published for 15+ years) attacks, it’s possible to break even perfect crypto implementations.

This also led me to the creation of the ChipWhisperer, my open-source hardware+software for research in this area.


I’ve presented at a number of conferences on worked related to this, including the following:

DEF CON 2015
REcon 2015
HCSS 2015
CCECE 2015 (Academic paper presentation)
AtlSecCon 2015
HTCIA 2014
REcon 2014
COSADE 2014 (Academic paper presentation)
AtlSecCon 2014
Blackhat USA 2013
Blackhat Abu Dhabi 2012


You can see some of my recent publications for ideas about where my research interest lies.