Tag: youtube
SMD Solder Paste Stencil Creation with Silhouette Cameo
I made some additional details in a long YouTube movie: This is far from the first blog post on this, but I wanted to write down exactly what I did to get this working on Windows 7, 64-bit with as little fussing as possible. 1. Buy Silhouette Cameo [NOTE: The v1 I used is no…
Rigol DP832 Review
The majority of the review is available in movie format: I purchased a Rigol DP832 power supply from RAE Electronics (local supplier). I had a chance to play around with it and wanted to leave a bit of a review. To begin, I also bought some useful accessories. I got them from Digikey, and here…
PicoScope 2204A Review
I’ve been spending some time with a low-cost PicoScope device, and wanted to give a review in case you’re looking at one. To begin with, you can check out my Circuit Cellar Articles about selecting a scope. There’s also a video version of this: Introducing the 2200 Range PicoTech’s 2200 range is a compact oscilloscope,…
PicoScope 5000 (5444) Review
If you check out my older blog post, you’ll see a very detailed review of the PicoScope 6000 series device. I also had a chance to use a 5000 series device, specifically the 5444. The 5444 is a 4-channel scope with a built-in AWG. The sample rate is up to 1 GS/s in ‘normal’ mode,…
Making a USB-HID Keyboard Encoder Board for PicoScope
Ever wanted to control something from a knobby-looking USB peripheral? In this example I wanted to control the PicoScope software from a bunch of encoders mounted on a USB peripheral:
PicoScope 6000 (6403D) Review & Comparison
This is an *EXTREMELY* long post, but there is a ton of ground I want to cover. I hope you find it useful if you are seriously considering purchasing an oscilloscope. Looking for a medium-cost scope? There’s lots of options out there, and I’m going to concentrate on the Picoscope 6000 series for this review,…
Quit wasting time debugging USB: Using TotalPhase Triggers
This blog post might seem commercial… but I have no connection to TotalPhase. I’ve used their Beagle 480 USB analyser for some time, and before that have used a variety of other solutions (mostly SW-based), so have some idea what other options are out there. It’s worth noting that they seem to give free updates…
Getting started with GIT Revision Control
Revision Control is the most critical part of any project involving files. Otherwise you end up with tons of directories, and naming schemes like “report_final2_june.docx” along with 20 other copies. This is best described in this 20-min clip. Sorry it’s a little long, but there is a fair amount to cover: You can download the…