Tag: hardware hacking

  • Dumping Parallel NAND with Glasgow

    Dumping Parallel NAND with Glasgow

    I recently got my Glasgow device, which is a rather impressive piece of tech. I followed the Windows installation instructions and it “Just Worked”, including installing the toolchain! On one computer I needed to use Zadig to force the driver to be libusbK, but on another Windows computer it wasn’t needed. In this blog post,…

  • Apple AirTag Teardown & Test Point Mapping

    What’s inside of Apple’s new AirTag? There was already an iFixIt teardown (which I swear was missing a few items that are there now), but of course was curious to see what sort of protection was enabled. Notably the nRF chip used is likely vulnerable to a known bypass of security as well. With that…

  • Getting Root on Philips Hue Bridge 2.0

    This post will briefly show you how to get a root console on the new Philips Hue Bridges (the square ones). It’s rather easy, the only special tools you require are a USB-Serial cable & a torx screwdriver. There’s a video with full details, this post is just the specifics if you don’t want a…