ECED2200 – Intro to Digital Circuits

ECED2200 is a basic introduction to digital electronics course, which I taught as a summer course a few times at Dalhousie. This page holds the resulting lectures and labs I created for this course, which are used during some of the regular course as well.

Copyright & Old Versions

All material for this course has been Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licensed. This means you can freely use it in both commercial and non-commercial venues, provided you respect the above license.

Note: this previous version of this content is still available at

If you are looking for specific files they are always available by inserting ‘oldsite’ into the old URL. i.e. if you had to download , change as follows:

WARNING: If you are a student at Dalhousie University, be aware not all material on this page may be relevant. e.g. the Course Syllabus, textbook, assignments, and exam info are ONLY valid when I’m the instructor. They will be WRONG if you are taking the regular course. As a reference I leave the previous years info here, in case you want to follow along. Most of the labs/slides should be relevant for all years however.

Textbook & Other Resources

The recommended text is “Bebop to the Boolean Boogie” by Clive Maxfield. This book is enjoyable to read (as far as digital logic books go) and will be an excellent reference. You can buy it from e.g.: or, however at Dalhousie (and probably other universities) you have access to the electronic edition for free.

You may access it using the following link which should work when ON university Campus. If you aren’t at a university yourself, you might be able to access this resource by using a computer in the library if they provide open access.

I have been told that the Kindle edition of this book has low-quality figures. You can try the Google Play version if you want an E-Book if your institution doesn’t provide access.

You may also find the following useful:
Asic-World Digital Logic Tutorial
Fpga4Fun – Programmable logic intro

Course Notes

A version of the course notes is available online, which is based on much older course material: ECED2200 Course Notes . Many of the examples follow the lecture slides, so you may find these notes useful. Note the ECED2200 Course Notes are copyright Dalhousie University, and are excluded from the CC License.

Lecture Material

No. Topic Slides Videos Other Material
1 Introduction, Gates, Number Systems Slides 1 1: Introduction & Gates
2: Number Systems
3: Summary
2 Adding/Subtracting in Binary, Signed Numbers Slides 1 1: Lecture
2: Summary
3 Boolean Algebra Slides 2 1: Lecture
2: Summary
4 Canonical Forms Slides 2 1: Lecture
2: Summary
5 Adders & Subtractors Slides 3 1: Lecture
2: Summary
6 Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps) Slides 4 1: Lecture
2: Summary
7 K-Maps with Equations, Gate Time Delay, Hazards Slides 4
Slides 5
1: Lecture
2: Summary
8 Multiplexers and Demultiplexers Slides 6 1: Lecture
2: Summary
9A Programmable Logic Slides 7 1: Lecture
9B Sequential Logic #1 Slides 8 1: Lecture
2: Summary
10A Sequential Logic #2 Slides 8 2:Summary
10B Registers, Shift Registers, Serial Protocols Slides 9 2:Summary
11 Counters & Counter Design Slides 10 1:Lecture
12 Finite State Machine Slides 11 1:Lecture
13 HDL & VHDL Slides 12 1:Lecture MealyVHDL
14 Course Review Part 1 1:Lecture
15 Course Review Part 2 1:Lecture
16 Course Review Part 3 1:Lecture


Where a ‘hand-in-sheet’ is present I don’t expect a full lab report (i.e. labs 1,3,4,5).

For labs 2 and 6 you need to do a full lab report, as described in this document. Again if your instructor is using these files they have have different requirements.

Lab No. Lab Name Instructions Required Files Videos + Slides
1 Basic Gates: Breadboard, Simulator, and Programmable Procedure
Hand-In Sheet
1: BORA Eraser
2: Example project
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
2 Arithmetic Elements Procedure Example Project (Standard) Slides
Video Part 1
3 Encoders, Decoders, and Mux Procedure
Hand-In Sheet
Example Project (Standard) Video Part 1
4 Flip Flops, Registers Procedure
Hand-In Sheet
Example Project (Standard) Video Part 1
Video Part 2
5 Shift Registers & Serial Protocols Procedure
Hand-In Sheet
Example Project (Standard)
6 Counters, Pulse Width Modulation Procedure Example Project (Standard)
7 VHDL State Machines Procedure VHDL Example Project

Assignments and Other Material

The following is several example assignments (TODO: see old site for now).

The following is material about the final exam (again ONLY relevant if specifically told so): (TODO: see old site for now).