Tag: tutorial
Dumping Parallel NAND with Glasgow
I recently got my Glasgow device, which is a rather impressive piece of tech. I followed the Windows installation instructions and it “Just Worked”, including installing the toolchain! On one computer I needed to use Zadig to force the driver to be libusbK, but on another Windows computer it wasn’t needed. In this blog post,…
USB Inrush Testing
The USB spec has limits on the ‘inrush current’, which is designed to prevent you from having 2000uF of capacitance that must be suddenly charged when your board is plugged into the USB port. The limit works out to around 10uF of capacitance . Your board might have much much more – so you’ll have…
Design a FIR Filter in an FPGA in 30 mins using High Level Synthesis
I’ve been working with Xilinx’s new High Level Synthesis tools built into Vivado. I’m slowly working on posting some more complete tutorials. In the mean-time here is a simple tutorial about making a Finite Impulse Response Filter on a real ADC/DAC board .
Getting started with GIT Revision Control
Revision Control is the most critical part of any project involving files. Otherwise you end up with tons of directories, and naming schemes like “report_final2_june.docx” along with 20 other copies. This is best described in this 20-min clip. Sorry it’s a little long, but there is a fair amount to cover: You can download the…
Avnet Spartan-6 LX9 Board: Or How ChipScope is your Saviour
I was recently working on a project which needed more gates than I had in my trusty current FPGA Board (Spartan3-200 on DLP-FPGA-HS). I quickly found the Avnet Spartan 6 LX9 board (AES-S6MB-LX9-G), which I could buy for $90 and have here in a few days. It also comes with a license for SDK for…