Category: Electronics & Production

  • LPCXpresso LPC1114 J4 JTAG Pinout

    I recently got an LPCXpresso board, which you can cut and make into a debugger. I wanted to use the 0.1″ header (J4) and not the specified JTAG (2×10 0.5″) header. Here is how I cut my board such it can be plugged back together: the female header is just half an IC socket: Counting…

  • Interfacing to 34401A

    I recently got my 34401A bench meter out of storage, and wanted it working with my computer, something I hadn’t done for several years. I forgot to get my ‘official’ Agilent connection cable, but figured I could use my standard cables no problem. This took a bit of effort to actually get working, so here…

  • Compass Circles

    In my effort to build the calibration software for my simple Digital Compass, I’ve been working on doing tests with it. Here is a screen-shot of the output (using MATLAB to interface to the serial port), it shows a plot of X & Y magnetic field readings plotted on X/Y axis. You can see it’s…

  • Making AT90USBKEY Run on 5V (Easy Way)

    I needed to use my AT90USBKEY at higher than 3.3V for ADC input purposes. It’s not documented in the manual, but the schematic shows they anticipated this. You can easily convert the AT90USBKEY to run on 5V with a few changes. The changes needed are: Remove resistor R20 (0-ohm resistor) Remove resistor R16 (0-ohm resistor)…

  • FIP is IPv6 Ready

    File not found. FIP has passed IPv6 Ready Silver (Phase 1) testing when operating as a host device. Next up is the router test, then full Gold (Phase 2) testing. See the entry at IPv6 Ready Forum >

  • FIP – The Flexible IP(v6) Stack

    I’m still working on finishing uploading & setting up documentation, but I’ve finally put some of a new IPv6 stack online. It’s designed to fit in a variety of applications, including WSN where you might have anything from tiny 8-bit microcontrollers to full-blown ARM devices deployed. It’s currently not completely usable, but hopefully that will…

  • Addition of IMU / MLX90609 Code

    An old project from 2006 was finally uploaded, an IMU using 3 rate gyros & a 3-axis accelerometer. May upload more documentation eventually, but for now all the source is uploaded. Includes using the MLX90609 gyro & LIS3LV02DQ accelerometer. See ProjectIMU >

  • Moving electronics projects from old site

    My various electronics projects have been moved from the old site to the new wiki format now >

  • Updated 15dot4-tools

    The radiotools for 15dot4-tools has been released. This provides a method of recording/playing back specific 802.15.4 packets. Also site news: added comments on most pages, so if you see issues/improvements feel free to let me know. >